GNOME Translation Project IRC meeting

tl;dr; :

During the Translation BoF meeting held on GUADEC we set some objectives/priorities/things-to-look-at.

One of them was about doing regular-ish meetings… and you got lucky! There will be one this Saturday itself!

So join us on #i18n channel around 21:00 UTC+2. Details, agenda and everything else (not much more actually …) on the tl;dr; link :)

See you *all* there!


Quo vadis?


Latin by the roadside

later on as the scholarship was opened and more and more people was able to learn how to read writers had to start thinking on how to create clues to the future reader so that (s)he would be able to read and pronounce their text as it should be they no longer could expect that a professional reader would be reading its text but maybe it would be a commoner who just happened to have had so much luck that (s)he was taught some reading 101[2]

Time flies! (phew!) and the more, and more, the scholarship and knowledge is spread around, “funny” characters are created – to make the reading easier. Obviously! The easier it is to read a text, the more, possible, readers that it will get the text!


As we all, lucky ones of us, saw at the keynote ((The History of GNOME)) by Federico, Jonathan and David, GNOME early days where pretty much hacker-only enabled.

Luckily, the first spaces and sentence delimiters started to appear: the HIG, the early work on a11y, l10n, i18n, the teams that started to be created, the Foundation…

Fast forward to present we are jumping all over Unicode adding all missing punctuation marks on GNOME 3 to make it the best desktop experience that this thousands and thousands of new electronic device owners will need to feel in control of their devices.

I’m excited! And you know?! GNOME 3.6 is around the corner! Help out making the dots, dashes, spaces, parenthesis, quotation marks be fully integrated in our desktop to make it the most beautiful and easy to use desktop ever seen!

[1] During the Roman empire all text was written like this: without any punctuation mark, spaces, whatsoever! Why? Because only few people knew how to read, and they were really good at it. They were trained a lot and they could easily read the only few books available without any problem.

[2] No need to retype it right? ;)

Felicitats GNOME!

Ja fa dos dies, però una felicitació mai és dolenta oi? :)

El dia 15 d’agost de 1997 un tal Miguel de Icaza va presentar el projecte … 15 anys més tard, persones, empreses, institucions, associacions utilitzen el GNOME i les tecnologies que s’han creat allà cada dia per una infinitat de propòsits!

Felicitats GNOME!!

P.D. podeu ajudar en la traducció del GNOME si voleu fer-li un regal al projecte ;)

GNOME Translation BoF

On Monday 30th GNOME translators and members of the GTP Coordinator team, meet at GUADEC for a BoF (Link to raw/unprocessed/quite-not-understandable minutes).

Seems that the talk (slides) that we prepare (with Petr and Andre) stirred quite a lot of discussions which were further developed during the BoF.

It was great to see everyone agreeing that our current situation is really good, but as usual, further development on Damned-Lies and gtranslator could bring a lot of benefits to seasoned translators, but more importantly to new translation teams that keep coming to GNOME i18n mailing list.

Call for action

I said could, because right now both Damned-Lies and gtranslator are short in (wo)man power, so anyone with web/python/django/gtk+/c skills is welcomed to help make them better.


I can not finish this blog post without giving a big thank you to everyone that came to the BoF, the Foundation Board for their nice words and actions and everyone on GUADEC, specially the local team who made an awesome job. You all rock!

GUADEC gift to translators: Cantarell fonts!

I just updated to use Cantarell, so it gets pretty just before GUADEC :)

Mandatory screenshot:

I just became the new maintainer of Damned-Lies ((Thanks Claude for all the hard work!)), so as I don’t feel too confident on my Django skills I will try to keep it alive and make it even more and more useful. I have plenty of ideas which some will be discussed at my talk at GUADEC, be sure to come! (Andre I’m looking to you ;)

Anyway, see you all at GUADEC!!


Aquest any no només hi aniré com a col·laborador sinó que a més a més faré una xerrada i tot ((Sobre traduccions si us picava la curiositat))!

Falten només un parell de mesos per la GUADEC, així que a fer publicitat de l’esdeveniment ;)

Documentació del GNOME 3.2

Ara mateix la traducció de la documentació del GNOME 3.2 al català està al 26%.

Si ve mai ha sigut prioritari, i a més des de fa un parell o tres de versions s’està duent a terme una reescriptura completa de la documentació, ara ja comencen a haver-hi més i més mòduls que tenen la documentació en format Mallard (els mòduls que tenen una icona d’un ànec al costat). En bona part és mèrit dels programes GWOP i GSOC que han ajudat que diverses persones ajudin a documentar el GNOME en el format nou.

Alguns dels programes que ja se’ls pot traduir la documentació són:

Millora el temps d’arrencada de l’Evolution

Si utilitzeu l’Evolution, el gestor de correu del GNOME i us sembla que tarda una mica massa en obrir-se proveu aquest consell que comenta en Pacho Ramos al seu bloc:

cd ~/.local/share/evolution

for i in `find . -name folders.db`; do echo “Rebuilding Table $i”; sqlite3 $i “vacuum;” ; done

Només he fet servir la segona part, no tenia ganes de fer un còpia de seguretat per si les mosques :)

Traduccions post-GNOME 3.2

Que ja hagi sortit el GNOME 3.2 i que ja hi hagi fins i tot una versió en CD autònom ((Basat en OpenSuse)) no vol dir que les traduccions s’hagin d’aturar fins d’aquí 5 mesos quan hi hagi l’string freeze, sinó tot el contrari, vol dir que ara és el millor moment de fer les traduccions que, tot i importants, sempre queden en un segon terme si s’acosta una nova versió del GNOME.

Així que avui he fet una repassada a la pàgina d’estadístiques de traducció del GNOME i he col·leccionat una llista dels programes que, en el meu humil criteri, haurien de ser els següents a traduir-se:

Documentació del GNOME 3.2

  • Tota la documentació que veieu que té un ànec al costat del seu nom ja es candidata a ser traduïda.

Dependències externes

Aplicacions de productivitat (GNOME-Office)

Infraestructura del GNOME

Aplicacions extra (estables)


Si no n’hi ha cap d’aquestes d’aquí sobre no patiu, que per aplicacions no serà: teniu tota la secció d’aplicacions extra per triar i remenar.