Same lies, new look

Doesn’t it look great? Thanks to Vinicius Depizzol that started it some time ago and Tom Tryfonidis who finished it (and I’m just getting the credit :) we have a new amazing-looking theme for our beloved Damned-Lies!

If you happen to meet any of them, be sure to thank them!!

Even the stats look so great:

Don’t you feel an urge to start translating just for the sake of browsing it? :)

Again, thanks to Vinicius to start it and Tom to make it happen!

GNOME 3.6 is out!

GNOME 3.6 is out!

Go celebrate it! We all made an amazing job!

The Catalan team, just like lots of other amazing translation teams did a great job and made it again! Congratulations to all translators who have been working so hard this last weeks. I’m really looking forward to the GNOME digest about the last week and this one :) On the two other previous weeks was already a lot of activity (1186 and 771 each week)

Now, for GNOME 3.8!

bash tip of the day

After spending an hour or so staring at a regular expression in bash, I gave up and started looking at the interwebs… So what’s wrong on this?

if [[  $random =~ "^a{1,2}b{1,2}c{1,2}$"  ]]; then
    echo "matching"
    echo "not matching"

It’s supposed to compare $random with a regular expression (that’s what’s supposed to do the =~ operator). But no matter how hard I tried, it was always “not matching”

Fortunately this days we have stackoverflow with the answers.





(some spacing so that you can think on it….)






Short answer: no quotes around a regular expression!

I start getting a pattern here (punt intended), the clueless I’m usually while trying to find the solution, the easiest it is :)

Ànecs en cerca i captura

El GNOME 3.6 està vist per sentència, i com de costum, tot i que patint una mica més que el de costum, ja el tenim en català!

Moltes gràcies a tots i totes els que heu col·laborat!


Ara bé, tot i que al GNOME s’intenta fer programari que sigui fàcil i intuitiu, encara hi ha coses que si ets novell o senzillament és la primera vegada que l’obres encara es fa força difícil d’entendre.

Però tranquils! Al GNOME, que estan al cas de tot ja ho tenen previst, i per això hi ha un equip de documentació que intenta que totes les aplicacions tinguin una documentació sobre elles i a més a més també s’encarreguen de fer documentació en general per a l’usuari i últimament també s’estan centrant en la documentació per als desenvolupadors.

I, evidentment, si la documentació està en anglès, l’equip de traducció del GNOME és l’encarregat de fer que aquesta documentació estigui en l’idioma de l’usuari.

I aquí és on entren els ànecs…

A la pàgina d’estadístiques de traducció al català de la documentació del GNOME 3.6 podeu veure que força documentació té una icona d’un ànec ((Alguna pregunta sobre per què un ànec? :D)).

Tota la documentació que tingui aquest ànec vol dir que està en el format nou que s’han inventat a l’equip de documentació del GNOME, de manera que no s’espera que hagi de canviar moltíssim en el futur, per altra banda, tota la documentació que no en té, vol dir que en algun moment o altre es reescriurà per passar-lo en aquest nou format.

Així que, si voleu col·laborar en la traducció del GNOME al català, traduir la documentació és una de les millors maneres en que ens podeu ajudar!

Si teniu dubtes sobre quina documentació agafar, aquí en teniu una selecció:


Ara bé, si voleu ser un heroi/heroïna i en teniu ganes, tinc una proposta molt millor:

La documentació d’usuari del GNOME

És un petit gran monstre de documentació, començada fa un temps per en David Aguilera, però que per desgràcia no ha seguit. Qui vol fer el següent relleu? :)

No es tracta de traduir-la tota de cop, ni molt menys! Però si d’anar intentant fer unes 20 o 30 cadenes al mes, que algú us les revisi i anar-les pujant, per tal que aquestes ~3k cadenes (unes 50k paraules) es vagin traduint cadena a cadena, paraula a paraula fins que estigui del tot traduït :)

Es pot dividir el fitxer i així fer el camí més ràpid i lleuger, només cal posar-s’hi! ;)

Com de costum, la coordinació de tot plegat es porta des de la llista de traducció del GNOME de Softcatalà, apunteu-vos-hi, digueu “Hola!” i a traduir! :)

Nota: en la redacció d’aquesta entrada al bloc no ha resultat ferit ni malmès cap ànec.

herois/heroïnes catalans del GNOME?

El GNOME 3.6 està a punt de sortir! I sembla ser que el català, de nou, tornarà a estar completament traduït :)

Gràcies a la inestimable ajuda d’en Joan Duran ho estem tornat a aconseguir!

Això sí, com podeu veure ara mateix, estem al 97%, això vol dir que encara hi ha feina per fer, de manera, que si voleu ser l’heroi/heroïna del GNOME 3.6, apunteu-vos i ajudeu a revisar alguns dels pocs mòduls que hi ha.

No patiu si algú altre ja ha fet la feina! Hi ha moltíssima documentació per traduir! Només estem al 20%!

Si preferiu traduir interfícies d’usuari, hi ha una infinitat d’aplicacions extra del GNOME.

No patiu per feina, que n’hi ha i de sobres! Apunteu-vos a la llista de coordinació de la traducció, digueu que voleu coŀlaborar i us intentarem assignar alguna traducció el més ràpidament possible ;)

freezed, welcome and glibc


You already know it probably, yes, it’s freezing time in GNOME!

Developers, please ask for, few ;), string freeze breaks as soon as you notice them, translators go full-steam to translate this lovely GNOME 3.6 that is around the corner!

Translation teams are working hard to update their translations, and some of them already reached the 100% mark, congratulations!!

Do you speak any language on that list? There’s no better time than now to show your support to GNOME  and to your language and start contributing to it! Please, join the GNOME translations teams ((Or create a new one!)) so that more and more users can use our beloved Desktop in their loved language!


Central Nahuatl

Just like translating GNOME is a never ending task, everyday strings come and go, the GNOME Translation Project is also and ever growing one!

Today marks the first translation from Central Nahuatl! Congratulations to Jorge Becerril and everyone that helped him!

The road to a fully localized GNOME will be long and from time to time a bit hard, but we all, the GTP members, will try to ease the peace as much as possible, but…


glibc is a bit on Central Nahuatl way. For a language that does not have a locale definition on glibc is like it doesn’t exist, you can translate GNOME, GIMP, KDE, whichever FOSS software that you like, but without a way to select that language, translating is meaningless.

So, dear interwebs, anyone got a good contact with glibc maintainers to streamline the locale creation process?

Finally, dear translators out there: Happy translating!


Red pandas are taking over Alexanderplatz!

If you have been to Berlin ((Maybe two years ago at the last Desktop Summit? ;) )) you know Alexanderplatz S+U station.

Since some days ago, huuuuuge ads where put in there. It looks really nice to be surrounded by FOSS ads on the way to work :)

I do really like the “We work for you not for shareholders” ((You see, my Deutsch is getting better!)) :D

Quo vadis?


Latin by the roadside

later on as the scholarship was opened and more and more people was able to learn how to read writers had to start thinking on how to create clues to the future reader so that (s)he would be able to read and pronounce their text as it should be they no longer could expect that a professional reader would be reading its text but maybe it would be a commoner who just happened to have had so much luck that (s)he was taught some reading 101[2]

Time flies! (phew!) and the more, and more, the scholarship and knowledge is spread around, “funny” characters are created – to make the reading easier. Obviously! The easier it is to read a text, the more, possible, readers that it will get the text!


As we all, lucky ones of us, saw at the keynote ((The History of GNOME)) by Federico, Jonathan and David, GNOME early days where pretty much hacker-only enabled.

Luckily, the first spaces and sentence delimiters started to appear: the HIG, the early work on a11y, l10n, i18n, the teams that started to be created, the Foundation…

Fast forward to present we are jumping all over Unicode adding all missing punctuation marks on GNOME 3 to make it the best desktop experience that this thousands and thousands of new electronic device owners will need to feel in control of their devices.

I’m excited! And you know?! GNOME 3.6 is around the corner! Help out making the dots, dashes, spaces, parenthesis, quotation marks be fully integrated in our desktop to make it the most beautiful and easy to use desktop ever seen!

[1] During the Roman empire all text was written like this: without any punctuation mark, spaces, whatsoever! Why? Because only few people knew how to read, and they were really good at it. They were trained a lot and they could easily read the only few books available without any problem.

[2] No need to retype it right? ;)


… also known as Python Tip of the Day:

What’s wrong (translation-wise) on this snippet of python code?

random = _("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, " +
           "consectetur adipisicing elit")

You are not going to see any warning on your code, if you don’t have this message translated you will never notice…

But unfortunately, as soon as you have this message translated you will notice that only half of the string is translated, which for Arabic or other RTL ((Right to Left)) languages can be quite funny…

So, you already noticed right?

Turns out that gettext gets confused by the plus sign! As you already may remember by now, Python can join multiple strings just by putting them together, no need for a plus sign. Try it yourself on your python console:

>>> print ("Lorem " " ipsum" " dolor"
... " amet")
Lorem  ipsum dolor amet

So dear Python developers out there, pretty please double check your strings marked for translation, if not a translator will find out, hopefully before a release, and report it back :)

Planet GNOME

Seems that I pestered enough our (that sound good!) planet editor ((Wo was so nice to also create my planet hackergotchi!)) that he finally added me in. Hi GNOMEr’s around the globe!!

I’m Gil Forcada, Coordinator of the Catalan Translator Team, member of the Localization Coordination Team, nowadays also Damned-Lies maintainer and usually you see me on GUADEC’s behind the info desk :D

I’m all digital ears to digitally hear anything related to l10n/i18n and how to move GTP ((GNOME Translation Project)) forward!

Edit: fixed the \ on the second code snippet (no need for that) and the LTR to RTL! Oh my!

Mark some gnome-love in Damned-Lies

Wonderful news for Damned-Lies, and hence by you all dear translators!

Some days ago I was approached by a teacher at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte which plans to make his students work on Damned-Lies!

So he needs small bugs that his students could be able to tackle. So pretty please, submit bugzilla reports, or leave a comment if you are lazy, and mark them with gnome-love.

Hopefully new contributors will be born and Damned-Lies will increase its quality and make translators more productive :)